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Soil Moisture Information And Thermal Microwave Emission
Authors:Newton   Richard W. Black   Quentin Robert Makanvand   Shahab Blanchard   Andrew J. Jean   Buford Randall
Affiliation:Remote Sensing Center and the Electrical Engineering Department, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX 77843;
Abstract:This paper presents theoretical and experimental results that demonstrate the depth to which soil moisture can be directly measured using microwave radiometers. The experimental results also document the effect of uniform surface roughness on the response of thermal microwave emission to soil moisture. Experimental measurements were executed in July 1980 at the Texas A&M University Research Farm near College Station, TX. Thermal microwave emission measurements were made at 1.4, 4.9, and 10.7 GHz at both vertical and horizontal polarization at off nadir angles from 0 to 50°. It has been demonstrated that passive microwave measurements at frequencies down to 1.4 GHz can only measure soil moisture directly to very shallow soil depths, approximately 2 cm. This is due to the fact that the soil moisture dependence of the transmission coefficient across the air-soil interface predominates over the soil moisture dependence of the total energy originating within the soil volume. It also has been demonstrated that the combination of low incident angle and measurement frequency in the C-band range does not minimize the effect of surface roughness for passive microwave measurements. This result is significant in view of the fact that this combination of frequency and incident angle has been described as the optimum combination for minimizing the effect of surface roughness on the response of radar-backscatter measurements to soil moisture.
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