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Relationship Between Degree of Pectin Methylation and Tissue Firmness of Cucumber Pickles
Affiliation:Author Hudson is presently assistant professor at the Food Science &Technology Dept., Oregon State Univ., Corvalis, Or. Author Buescher is professor at the Food Science Dept., Univ. of Arkansas, Fayetteville, AR 72701.
Abstract:The relationship between pectin methylation and tissue firmness was examined in cucumber pickles exposed to pre-brining and brining treatments. Tissue treated with CaCl2 prior to or during brining, blanched before brining or held at 2°C during brine storage resisted softening. Although all treatments reduced the degree of esterification (DE) of pectic substances, less demethylation occurred in treatments that protected against softening. Join point regression analysis of the data indicated that maximum firmness of mesocarp tissue was attained when the DE of pectins was 12.3 ± 1.2 or greater. Firmness declined concomitantly when the DE declined below 12.3 ± 1.2. Methods that protect against excessive demethylation of pectins appear to be important in retarding softening of cucumber pickle tissue during storage in brine.
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