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AMS radiocarbon dating of medieval textile relics: The frocks and the pillow of St. Francis of Assisi
Authors:M.E. Fedi,A. Cartocci,F. Taccetti,P.A. Mandò  
Affiliation:Dipartimento di Fisica dell’Università di Firenze and INFN Sezione di Firenze, via Sansone 1, 50019 Sesto Fiorentino (Fi), Italy
Abstract:Since natural textiles usually originate from short-lived organisms, they can represent a useful material to date samples from historical periods with a good accuracy.In this work, we present a set of radiocarbon measurements on medieval textile relics: two woollen habits and a pillow traditionally associated with St. Francis of Assisi, the saint patron of Italy. The strategy in choosing samples for radiocarbon dating is first discussed and the procedures for measurements - performed at the 3 MV Tandetron accelerator of Laboratorio di Tecniche Nucleari per i Beni Culturali (LABEC), Florence - are described; AMS results for the two frocks showed that only one of them, presently kept in the church of St. Francis in Cortona, is compatible with the Saint’s period of life, as is the pillow also kept in Cortona. Another frock attributed to St. Francis appears to date from at least 80 years after his death. However, the goal of these measurements was not a bare authentication/disconfirmation of the relics; they just represent an example of how scientific analysis can integrate with humanistic studies. Indeed, AMS results, combined with a thorough analysis of the textiles typologies, confirmed the historical hypotheses based on documentary studies and on tradition. The overall conclusions contributed to the decisions taken for conservation, and have as a whole enhanced the religious importance of the relics.
Keywords:06.60.Ei   82.80.Ms   89.90.+n
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