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A swelling model for stoichiometric SiC at temperatures below 1000°C under neutron irradiation
Authors:Hanchen Huang and Nasr Ghoniem

a Lawrence Livermore National Laboratories, P.O. Box 808, L-268, Livermore, CA 94550, USA

b Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Department, School of Engineering and Applied Science, University of California Los Angeles, Box 95197, 420 Westwood Plaza, Los Angeles, CA 90095-1600, USA

Abstract:A simple phenomenological model for the saturation swelling below 1000°C of neutron-irradiated silicon carbide (SiC) is presented in this paper. Under fast neutron irradiation, SiC is known to undergo volumetric expansion (swelling) which quickly saturates at a fast fluence of approximately 1025 n/m2 for irradiation temperatures below 1000°C. A previous model due to Balarin attributes swelling to lattice dilation as a result of single point defects. We show in this paper that the experimentally observed linear temperature dependence of saturation swelling can be explained in terms of the formation and growth of small interstitial clusters, resulting directly from collision cascades initiated by energetic neutrons. These loops grow by absorption of mobile carbon interstitials and their composition is subject to stoichiometry constraints, requiring absorption of slower silicon interstitials. Because of cascade re-solution events, the density of loops decreases sharply with temperature as a result of overlap of cascades with larger size loops at higher temperatures. The average radius of these loops increases with temperature. Volumetric swelling is shown to obey a linear temperature dependence as a consequence of the strong decrease in density and the simultaneous increase in average radius, and to saturate with fluence. The model is shown to be consistent with experimental observations. In the temperature range below 500–600°C, swelling seems to be dominated by single point defects, or defect clusters containing only a few atoms, in accordance with the explanation offered by Balarin.
Keywords:Silicon carbide   Stoichiometry   Swelling   Mathematical models   Neutron irradiation   High temperature effects   Saturation (materials composition)   Absorption   Carbon   Density (specific gravity)   Point defects   Radiation effects   Interstitial clusters
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