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Awakening, clinical recovery, and psychomotor effects after desflurane and propofol anesthesia
Authors:JL Apfelbaum  JL Lichtor  BS Lane  DW Coalson  KT Korttila
Affiliation:Department of Anesthesia and Critical Care, Pritzker School of Medicine, University of Chicago, Illinois 60637, USA.
Abstract:We compared postanesthetic and residual recovery of desflurane versus propofol anesthesia. Twenty volunteers were anesthetized for 1 h at 1-wk intervals with either propofol (induction) plus desflurane (1.25 minimum alveolar anesthetic concentration) in O2 (PD), propofol plus desflurane in N2O-O2 (PDN), propofol plus propofol infusion with N2O-O2 (PPN), or desflurane (induction) plus desflurane in O2 (DD). Awakening and clinical recovery were measured. Psychomotor skills (attention, coordination, reactive skills, and memory) were tested before and 1,3,5, and 7 h after anesthesia. Awakening was fastest in Group PDN. At 1 h after anesthesia, the subjects given desflurane for maintenance (PD, PDN, and DD) performed significantly (P < 0.05-0.01) better in several psychomotor tests compared with those whose anesthesia was maintained with propofol (PPN). However, subjects met criteria for home readiness as fast after PPN as after PDN anesthesia (mean times +/- SE until fitness for discharge were 126 +/- 20, 81 +/- 14, 70 +/- 7, and 106 +/- 14 min after PD, PDN, PPN, and DD, respectively). Awakening and early psychomotor recovery for as long as 1 h after anesthesia is faster after desflurane than after propofol, but there was no difference in time to home readiness or in residual effects thereafter between propofol and desflurane with N2O in O2.
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