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引用本文:程相 郑源高翾恒. 基于流固耦合的风力机叶片刚强度分析[J]. 人民长江, 2015, 46(15): 86-89. DOI: 10.16232/j.cnki.1001-4179.2015.15.021
作者姓名:程相 郑源高翾恒
摘    要:基于ANSYS Workbench平台,对某小型风力提水机进行单向流固耦合分析,将流场计算得到的叶片表面的风荷载加载到叶片上,再进行静应力有限元分析。对不同工况下的风轮进行分析对比,得到风轮应力和变形规律。结果表明,在额定风速8 m/s工况下,最大等效应力集中在叶根部位;风机叶片静应力随风速增大而增大,且最大应力小于许用应力,然而长期应力集中的状况容易导致疲劳破坏;风机整体最大变形出现在叶尖处,而轮毂与叶片连接处基本上没有发生变形,呈梯度分布。

关 键 词:风力机叶片   流固耦合   静应力分析   变形分析   数值模拟   风力机  

Stiffness and strength analysis of windmill blade based on fluid-solid coupling
Abstract:Based on ANSYS Workbench, one way fluid-solid coupling of a small water-pumping windmill is analyzed, and considering the calculated wind load on the blade surface, the finite element analysis of static stress is conducted to the windmill blade. Through analysis and comparison of the wind wheel under different working conditions, the stress and deformation laws are worked out. The results show: at rated wind speed of 8 m/s, the maximum equivalent stress is largely distributed in the blade root; the static stress of the windmill blade increases with the wind speedup, which is lower than the allowable stress, however long-term stress concentration at a certain point of the blade will lead to fatigue failure; the deformation of the windmill is in gradient distribution, in which major deformation occurs to the blade tip while little deformation occurs to the joint between the wheel hub and the blade.
Keywords:windmill blade  fluid-solid coupling  static stress analysis  deformation analysis  numerical simulation  water-pumping windmill  
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