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引用本文:王力,吕大刚,刘晓燕,王光远. 大跨空间结构智能选型系统的研究与开发[J]. 哈尔滨工业大学学报, 2003, 35(6): 644-646
作者姓名:王力  吕大刚  刘晓燕  王光远
基金项目:国家自然科学基金“九五”重大项目 ( 5 9895 410 ),黑龙江省自然科学基金资助项目 (E0 0 -0 1)
摘    要:将建筑结构的智能选型设计理论应用于大跨空间结构,选用Microsoft Access 2000 for Windows作为实例库开发工具、Microsoft Visual C 6.0 for Windows作为方案生成系统开发工具、专家系统开发工具C-ADVISOR3.0作为方案评价和决策系统开发工具,开发了一个大跨空间结构智能选型设计系统的原型系统.该系统主要包括大跨空间结构的选型实例库系统、方案生成系统和方案评价与决策系统.3个子系统建造的基本原理是:采用面向对象技术建造实例库系统、实例推理和数据挖掘建造方案生成系统、模糊推理与模糊多属性决策方法建造方案评价与决策系统.

关 键 词:大跨空间结构  结构选型  方案生成  方案评价  数据挖掘

Intelligent form selection system for large span structures
Abstract:The intelligent design theory of structural form selection is applied in large span structures. A prototype system of intelligent choice of structural form for large span structures is developed. Microsoft Access 2000 for Windows is used as a foreground developing tool for building case base system, Microsoft Visual C++6 0 for Windows is used as a as a developing tool for scheme generation, and the Expert System Development tool C ADVISOR 3 0 is used as a as a developing tool for scheme evaluation and decision making. The system includes three sub systems: Case Base System (CBS), Scheme Generation System (SGS), and Scheme Evaluation System (SES) and Scheme Decision makind System (SDS). CBS is built on the techniques of Object Oriented Programming, SGS is built on the Case Reasoning and data mining, SES & SDS are built on fuzzy inference & fuzzy multiple attribute decision making.
Keywords:large span structures  structural form selection  scheme generation  scheme evaluation  data mining  
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