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Late psychosocial improvement in a case of severe head injury with bilateral fronto-orbital lesions.
Authors:Thomsen, Inger V.   Waldemar, Gunhild   Thomsen, Anne M.
Abstract:Describes the results of a 19-yr follow-up study of a head-injured female patient. At age 17 yrs, the S sustained a blunt head trauma with bilateral fronto-orbital lesions verified by late regional cerebral blood flow. The S presented an extreme state of regression for many months after injury. During the first posttraumatic years no behavioral disorders were reported, but after the 5th yr lack of control, including sexual disinhibition, and lack of motivation became severe problems. More than 10 yrs after the accident, a partner applied a simple program of behavioral modification to the S. After 2 yrs of rigid training, an unexpected improvement in psychosocial adaptation took place. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)
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