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SyMSS: A syntax-based measure for short-text semantic similarity
Authors:Jesú  s OlivaAuthor Vitae,José   Ignacio Serrano Author VitaeMarí  a Dolores del Castillo Author Vitae,Á  ngel Iglesias Author Vitae
  • Bioengineering Group, CSIC, Carretera de Campo Real, km. 0,200. La Poveda, Arganda del Rey, CP: 28500, Madrid, Spain
  • Abstract:Sentence and short-text semantic similarity measures are becoming an important part of many natural language processing tasks, such as text summarization and conversational agents. This paper presents SyMSS, a new method for computing short-text and sentence semantic similarity. The method is based on the notion that the meaning of a sentence is made up of not only the meanings of its individual words, but also the structural way the words are combined. Thus, SyMSS captures and combines syntactic and semantic information to compute the semantic similarity of two sentences. Semantic information is obtained from a lexical database. Syntactic information is obtained through a deep parsing process that finds the phrases in each sentence. With this information, the proposed method measures the semantic similarity between concepts that play the same syntactic role. Psychological plausibility is added to the method by using previous findings about how humans weight different syntactic roles when computing semantic similarity. The results show that SyMSS outperforms state-of-the-art methods in terms of rank correlation with human intuition, thus proving the importance of syntactic information in sentence semantic similarity computation.
    Keywords:Linguistic tools for IS modeling   Text DBs   Natural language processing (NLP)   Semantic similarity   Sentence similarity
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