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Software ergonomics: effects of computer application design parameters on operator task performance and health

Evidence is reviewed that the operating characteristics of computer application systems, in addition to physical characteristics of display units (CRTs), are the cause of many observed effects on operator health and task effectiveness. These effects are hypothesized to occur through changes in task structure, and the man-machine redivision of labour that results when computer application systems are introduced into work setting. First, the association between task dimensions and models of operator performance effectiveness and well-being are reviewed. Second, application system design parameters that affect task structure are identified. Then, empirical evidence supporting this three-part causal linkage—application system parameters to task characteristics to operator effectiveness and health—is presented. The findings suggest that by improving dialogue quality, taking advantage of two-way communication to reduce uncertainty, using smaller and less integrated systems and matching system performance to operator needs a job can be created that is likely to improve both operator well-being and effectiveness.
Keywords:Information systems  Systems design  Software design  Job design  Task environment
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