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Dual versus Solo Pilot Navigation in Helicopters at Low Level

Although British drivers are not as diverse a population as those of the United Stales, they are not a homogeneous group. Nor are they necessarily representative of the population as a whole. The British car industry has a potential home market of I 25 million cars. It is therefore important to identify the driving population, as the design of many aspects of the car depends on their anthropometric characteristics.

An anthropometric survey was carried out by MIRA to provide details of drivers specifically related to the design of cars. The drivers were sampled over a set of survey points throughout England, Scotland and Wales, and a brief measurement session was held in a mobile laboratory. This has made a data bank available, from which to answer specific design problems, particularly those related to multiple dimensions.

The measurements have shown that the driving population differs from the US civilian statistics currently used in much design and legislation. Dimensional models are suggested for 5th percentile female and 95th percentile male drivers, which may be used as design tools.
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