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Herstellung von Gärungsethanol aus Nebenprodukten der Stärkeindustrie,insbesondere aus Kartoffelpülpe
Authors:J. Marihart
Abstract:Production of Ethanol from Starch Industry By-products, Especially from Potato-Pulp The paper presents a fermentation plant, in which wastes and by-products from potato-and wheat-starch factories, starch derivatization, starch saccharification and production of potato flakes with different quality and varying amounts can be fermented to ethanol. Special attention is put on potato pulp which represents the greatest part of by-products and whose marketing in wet form at best covers, costs or even is leading to significant expenses in the case of drying. Due to the composition it is difficult too to ferment potato pulp to ethanol in conventional plants especially caused by its contents of gelling materials such as pectin and hemicelluloses. As a result of respective work referring to this a hydrolysis process is described which is especially geared towards obtaining hydrolysates possibly high in dry matter contents with respect to the subsequent fermentation.
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