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CCWELD: A CIM system for robotic arc welding
引用本文:KONG Yu,DAI Ming,WU Lin,HUANG Dongsheng (Welding Department. Harbin Institute of Technology,Harbin,150001,China). CCWELD: A CIM system for robotic arc welding[J]. 中国焊接, 1997, 0(2)
作者姓名:KONG Yu  DAI Ming  WU Lin  HUANG Dongsheng (Welding Department. Harbin Institute of Technology  Harbin  150001  China)
作者单位:Welding Department. Harbin Institute of Technology,Harbin,150001,China
摘    要:0IntroductionArcweldingisamanufacturingprocesswhichbenefitsconsiderablyfromtheuseofrobots.InChina,robotarcweldingstationsareincreasingcontinuouslyl'].However,conventionalteaching-play-backarcweldingrobotscan'tadjusttothechangeofweldworkpieces.andprogrammingcostsalotofproductiontimewithlowefficiency.ThissitUationcan'tmeettherequirementofsmallandmediumbatchmanufacturing.ThesolutionistodevelopCIMsystemwithoff-lineprogrammingsoftwareandsuitablesensorIZI.Inadvancedcountries,anumberofpowerfulCI…

CCWELD: A CIM system for robotic arc welding
KONG Yu,DAI Ming,WU Lin,HUANG Dongsheng. CCWELD: A CIM system for robotic arc welding[J]. China Welding, 1997, 0(2)
Authors:KONG Yu  DAI Ming  WU Lin  HUANG Dongsheng
Abstract:This paper describes a CIM system for robotic arc welding. The system is specially designed for producing workpieces in small and medium batch sizes. Based on the development of AUTOCAD and a structure-light visual sensor, low cost CIM is implemented Feature modeling of weld workpiece is discussed .which provides complete geometric information and process information for off-line programming. The system provides powerful tools for programming of torch orientation to meet the requirements of achieving good welding quality avoiding collision and not violating kinematics constraints.
Keywords:CIM. robotic arc welding   low cost
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