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引用本文:李康宁,洪亮,叶献国. 结构三维弹塑性分析方法及其在建筑物震害研究中的应用[J]. 建筑结构, 2001, 31(3)
作者姓名:李康宁  洪亮  叶献国
作者单位:理化学研究所地震防灾先端研究中心,日本兵库县三木市,673-0433,Email: Kangning@ miki.riken.go.ip
摘    要:介绍了作者研究开发的结构三维弹塑性分析方法及其在建筑物震害研究中的应用。采用杆系模型 ,包括梁、柱、墙单元、拉压杆单元、弹簧单元和阻尼单元 ,可建立各种结构计算模型 (质点系模型、平面或空间框架模型 )。对柱和墙单元等压弯杆件 ,采用了“多弹簧模型”和“纤维模型”来考虑变动轴力和双向弯曲荷载之间的耦合作用 ,能够表达压弯杆件在多轴荷载作用下的力学特性 ,从而比较真实地模拟结构弹塑性地震反应。为了表达各种荷载作用下杆件或弹簧的力和变形关系 ,作者开发和引进了多种材料恢复力模型 ,这些恢复力模型模拟了材料的非线性。在结构分析过程中也采用近似方法考虑了几何非线性。采用以上计算模型 ,作者开发了结构三维弹塑性分析计算机程序 ,用于分析遭受地震作用的建筑物 ,其结果与实际的地震破坏吻合较好 ,能够说明结构的破坏机制。

关 键 词:非线性  时程分析  地震反应  杆系模型  恢复力模型  多弹簧模型

Nonlinear Analysis of 3D Models and Application in Research of a Building Damaged in Earthquake
Li Kangning Hong Liang Ye Xianguo. Nonlinear Analysis of 3D Models and Application in Research of a Building Damaged in Earthquake[J]. Building Structure, 2001, 31(3)
Authors:Li Kangning Hong Liang Ye Xianguo
Abstract:The paper introduces nonlinear analysis models and methods and their application in simulating the earthquake response and damage of building structures. For nonlinear analysis of huge building structures based on the force displacement relation of individual structural members, simplified but reliable analysis models are required. Therefore, the multi spring model, fiber model and one component spring model are now further developed and used in the structural nonlinear analysis. The multi spring model and fiber model can represent the interactions among axial load and bi directional bending moments, hence are used for modeling the column and shear wall in building structures for three dimensional analysis. Using these models, the authors developed a computer program and applied it in the response analysis of an earthquake damaged RC apartment building. The analysis results explain well the building responses and damage.
Keywords:D nonlinear  time history analysis  earthquake response  frame model  hysteresis model  MS model
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