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Untersuchung und Beurteilung von PAK in Speisefetten und -ölen
Authors:Ch. Gertz  H. Kogelheide
Investigation and Legal Evaluation of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Vegetable Fats and Oils The analysis of 40 native and refined commercially available vegetable fats and oils reveals the influence of the environment and the treatment on the contamination with PAHs. Totally refined oils and fats have no or only a low contamination of PAHs whereas grapeseed oil contains PAHs to a high extent. This fact has to be deduced to the old-fashioned drying process of the pressed grapes. The analytical procedure with HPLC and fluorimetric detection was done after alcaline hydrolysis. The PAHs were extracted using the distribution between DMF, cyclohexane and water. The legal evaluation of high contaminated is discussed in regard of national and international regulations.
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