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What function for human lithostathine?: structural investigations by three-dimensional structure modeling and high-resolution NMR spectroscopy
Authors:Patard, Louis   Stoven, Veronique   Gharib, Bouchra   Bontems, Francois   Lallemand, Jean-Yves   De Reggi, Max
Affiliation:1Laboratoire de RMN, URA 1308 du CNRS, DCSO, Ecole Polytechnique 91128 Palaiseau cedex 3INSERM U399 27 Bd Jean Moulin, 13385 Marseille cedex 5, France
Abstract:Human lithostathine is a 144-residue protein, expressed in variousorgans and pathologies. Several biological functions have beenproposed for this protein. Among others, inhibition of nucleationand growth of CaCO3 crystals in the pancreas and bacterial aggregationhas retained attention, because lithostathine presents highsequence similarities with calcium-dependent (or C-type) lectins.To study its structure-function relationship and compare itwith that of C-type lectins, we have built a model for lithostathine.This model is derived from the only two C-type lectins of knownstructures: rat mannose binding protein and human E-selectin.An original strategy, inspired by that proposed by Havel andSnow, was designed for model building. We have undertaken NMRstudies on the natural protein. Although complete structuredetermination has not yet been achieved, the NMR studies didconfirm the main characteristics of the model. From analysisof the proposed model, we concluded that lithostathine is notexpected to present sugar- or calcium-binding properties. Therefore,the mechanisms of bacterial aggregation and inhibition of CaCO3nucleation and growth have not yet been elucidated.
Keywords:C-type lectin/  homology modeling/  lithostathine or lithostatin/  NMR structure determination/  reg gene
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