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Transfinite surface interpolation with interior control
Affiliation:1. Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Magyar tudósok körútja 2, H-1117 Budapest, Hungary;2. King Abdullah University of Science and Technology, 4700 KAUST, Thuwal 23955-6900, Saudi Arabia;1. The Boeing Company, Seattle, WA USA;2. University of Grenoble, France;3. University of Florida, Gainesville, FL USA;4. University of Hong Kong, HK
Abstract:There are various techniques to design complex free-form shapes with general topology. In contrast to the approaches based on trimmed surfaces and control polyhedra, in curve network-based design feature curves can be directly created and edited in 3D. Multi-sided patches interpolate this curve network with slopes given by associated tangent ribbons. The patches are smoothly connected and yield a natural and predictable surface model. This paper focuses on special design techniques to adjust the interior of transfinite patches when further shape control is needed. While the boundary constraints are retained, additional vertices, curves and even interior control surfaces are supplemented to gain more design freedom. The main idea is to apply different distance-based blending functions with special parameterizations over non-regular, n-sided domains. This concept can be naturally extended to create one- and two-sided patches as well. Shape variations will be demonstrated by a few simple examples.
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