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Hepatic metallothionein level and mixed function oxidase activity in fingerling rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) after acute exposure to pulp and paper mill effluents
Authors:Fran  ois Gagn  ,Christian Blaise
Affiliation:François Gagné,Christian Blaise,
Abstract:Hepatic metallothionein (MT) levels and mixed function oxidase (MFO) activity (7-ethoxyresorufin-o-deethylase or EROD) were measured in fingerling rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) exposed to sublethal concentrations of 12 pulp and paper effluents, after completion of 96 h static acute lethality assays. Barring one primary-treated effluent where MFO levels were significantly depressed and two secondary-treated effluents where no significant MFO induction were observed, all other effluents triggered significant induction of MT and EROD, regardless of mill process/treatment or of effluent lethality and chemical characteristics. MT and EROD inductions were significant, however, at higher concentrations for secondary-treated effluents than for primary-treated ones. Lethal (96 h LC50s) to sublethal (MT and EROD lowest observable effect concentrations) ratios were variable and indicated that significant biochemical effects were present at effluent concentrations that were roughly 4–33 (MT) and 3–59 (EROD) times lower than the LC30. Enzyme induction ranged from 1.3 to 2.5-fold for MT and from 1.3 to 9.4-fold for EROD compared to controls. Limited chemical data available suggest that there were indeed classes of compounds present capable of inducing MT or EROD. Observed patterns of MT/MFO responses also suggest that contaminant interactions may have interfered with induction for some of the effluents studied. Refinements of this combined (sub)lethal bioassay procedure are envisaged to determine whether it can provide an efficient means of detecting hazardous chemicals in industrial wastewaters.
Keywords:metalothionein   mixed function oxidase   EROD   fingerling rainbow trout   liver enzyme activity   acute exposure   pulp and paper effluents   LC50 bioassay
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