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引用本文:祝逢春,徐振相,陈西武,周彬,秦志春,田桂蓉,侯素娟. 半导体桥火工品研究新进展[J]. 兵工学报, 2003, 24(1): 106-110
作者姓名:祝逢春  徐振相  陈西武  周彬  秦志春  田桂蓉  侯素娟
摘    要:半导体桥火工品属高新技术火工品,因其具有高安全性。高可靠性,高同步性,高工艺一致性,低发火能量以及能与数字逻辑电路组合等一系列优异性能。发展十分迅速,本文从理论,结构,封装,测试和改进等方面评介了半导体桥火工品研究的新进展。并指出半导体桥(SCB)火工品是桥丝式火工品的理想换代产品,且有更广泛的应用范围和前景;今后应在理论基础。生产自动化。低电压点火起爆和直列式钝感技术等方面进行研究与开发。

关 键 词:半导体桥火工品 结构 理论模型 多层焊接区 封装方式 桥丝式火工品 研究进展

Zhu Fengchun Xu Zhenxiang Chen Xiwu Zhou Bin Qin Zhichun Tian Guirong Hou Sujuan. PROGRESS ON THE SEMICONDUCTOR BRIDGE INITIATOR[J]. Acta Armamentarii, 2003, 24(1): 106-110
Authors:Zhu Fengchun Xu Zhenxiang Chen Xiwu Zhou Bin Qin Zhichun Tian Guirong Hou Sujuan
Abstract:Semiconductor bridge (SCB) initiator represents a novel one kind of initiating device. It has been developed very rapidly due to its excellent properties, such as its high safety, high reliability, high synchronization, a high coherence of technologies, low fire energy and its readiness of incorporation with the digital logic circuits. In this paper are reviewed the theory, configuration, packing, test and improvement of SCB initiators and its future prospects. In addition, it is pointed out that semiconductor bridge (SCB) initiator is the ideal substitute for the bridge initiating device and has more extensive area of application. The key point in its future development lies in the basic theory, the automatization of production, ignition by low voltage and passivated technology of in line explosives.
Keywords:semiconductor technique   initiating device (explosive initiator)   semiconductor bridge (SCB)   plasma   packing   chip
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