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引用本文:陈道琨,刘芳芳,杨超. SW26010处理器上的并行结构化稀疏三角方程组求解器[J]. 软件学报, 2022, 33(8): 4452-4463
作者姓名:陈道琨  刘芳芳  杨超
作者单位:苏州大学 计算机科学与技术学院, 江苏 苏州 215006;软件新技术与产业化协同创新中心, 江苏 南京 210093;江苏省计算机信息处理技术重点实验室(苏州大学), 江苏 苏州 215006
摘    要:很多强化学习方法较少地考虑决策的安全性,但研究领域和工业应用领域都要求的智能体所做决策是安全的.解决智能体决策安全问题的传统方法主要有改变目标函数、改变智能体的探索过程等,然而这些方法忽略了智能体遭受的损害和成本,因此不能有效地保障决策的安全性.在受限马尔可夫决策过程的基础上,通过对动作空间添加安全约束,设计了安全Sarsa (λ)方法和安全Sarsa方法.在求解过程中,不仅要求智能体得到最大的状态-动作值,还要求其满足安全约束的限制,从而获得安全的最优策略.由于传统的强化学习求解方法不再适用于求解带约束的安全Sarsa (λ)模型和安全Sarsa模型,为在满足约束条件下得到全局最优状态-动作值函数,提出了安全强化学习的求解模型.求解模型基于线性化多维约束,采用拉格朗日乘数法,在保证状态-动作值函数和约束函数具有可微性的前提下,将安全强化学习模型转化为凸模型,避免了在求解过程中陷入局部最优解的问题,提高了算法的求解效率和精确度.同时,给出了算法的可行性证明.最后,实验验证了算法的有效性.

关 键 词:受限马尔可夫决策过程  安全强化学习  多维约束  Sarsa(λ)算法  Sarsa 算法

Parallel Sparse Triangular Solver for Structured Grid Problems on SW26010 Processor
CHEN Dao-Kun,LIU Fang-Fang,YANG Chao. Parallel Sparse Triangular Solver for Structured Grid Problems on SW26010 Processor[J]. Journal of Software, 2022, 33(8): 4452-4463
Authors:CHEN Dao-Kun  LIU Fang-Fang  YANG Chao
Affiliation:School of Computer Science and Technology, Soochow University, Suzhou 215006, China;Collaborative Innovation Center of Novel Software Technology and Industrialization, Nanjing 210093, China;Provincial Key Laboratory for Computer Information Processing Technology (Soochow University), Suzhou 215006, China
Abstract:Sparse triangular solver (SpTRSV) is an important computation kernel in scientific computing. The irregular memory access pattern of SpTRSV makes efficient data reuse difficult to achieve. Structured grid problems possess special nonzero patterns. OnSW26010 processor, the major building block of Sunway Taihulight supercomputer, these patterns are often exploited during the task partitioning stage to facilitate on-chip reuse of computed unknowns. Software-based routing is usually employed to implement inter-thread communication. Routing incurs overhead and imposes certain restrictions on nonzero patterns. This study achieves on-chip data reuse without routing. The input problem is partitioned and mapped onto SW26010 such that threads with data dependencies are always connected by the register communication network. This enables direct thread communication and obviates routing. The proposed solver is described and it is tested over a variety of problems. In the experiments, the proposed solver sustains an average memory bandwidth utilization of 88.2% with peak efficiency reaching 94.5% (24.5 GB/s).
Keywords:sparse triangular solver (SpTRSV)  structured-grid  SW26010 processor  heterogeneous computing
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