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引用本文:范尚崇1,杨宏民1,' target='_blank'>2,尹 海3,吕宝艳1,吕晓来2. 黄岩汇煤矿综采工作面上隅角瓦斯治理技术研究[J]. 中州煤炭, 2020, 0(5): 1-6,13. DOI: 10.19389/j.cnki.1003-0506.2020.05.001
作者姓名:范尚崇1  杨宏民1  ' target='_blank'>2  尹 海3  吕宝艳1  吕晓来2
作者单位:(1.河南理工大学 安全科学与工程学院,河南 焦作 454000; 2.煤矿灾害预防与抢险救灾教育部工程研究中心,河南 焦作 454000; 3.中煤昔阳能源有限责任公司 黄岩汇煤矿,山西 昔阳 045300)
摘    要:黄岩汇煤矿煤层透气性系数差,原始瓦斯含量低,在回采期间工作面绝对瓦斯涌出量较大,上隅角瓦斯浓度容易超限。现场跟踪考察分析了15108综采工作面上隅角瓦斯来源,找到了采放煤和采空区瓦斯涌出的主要原因,并提出了以高抽巷和顶板低位斜向钻孔相结合的卸压瓦斯治理模式,对卸压瓦斯抽采效果进行评价。研究表明:高抽巷平均抽采纯量69.5 m^3/min,最大90.0 m^3/min,可达全部抽采量的92%;低位钻孔抽采措施起到较好的辅助作用,最大抽采纯量为12.4 m^3/min,平均为5.8 m^3/min。回采期间上隅角瓦斯浓度维持在0.08%~0.40%。

关 键 词:绝对瓦斯涌出量  上隅角  卸压瓦斯  瓦斯治理  高抽巷  低位钻孔

 Study on control technology of gas in upper corner on working face of Huangyanhui Coal Mine
Fan Shangchong1,Yang Hongmin1,' target='_blank'>2,Yin Hai3,Lü Baoyan1,Lü Xiaolai2.  Study on control technology of gas in upper corner on working face of Huangyanhui Coal Mine[J]. Zhongzhou Coal, 2020, 0(5): 1-6,13. DOI: 10.19389/j.cnki.1003-0506.2020.05.001
Authors:Fan Shangchong1  Yang Hongmin1  ' target='_blank'>2  Yin Hai3  Lü Baoyan1  Lü Xiaolai2
Affiliation:(1.School of Safety Science and Engineering,Henan Polytechnic University,Jiaozuo 454000,China;2.Engineering Research Center of Ministry of Education for Coal Mine Disaster Prevention and Rescue and Disaster Relief,Jiaozuo 454000,China; 3.Huangyanhui Coal Mine,China Coal Xiyang Energy Co.,Ltd.,Xiyang 045300,China)
Abstract:The gas permeability coefficient of the coal seam in Huangyanhui Coal Mine is poor,the original gas content is low,but during the recovery period the absolute gas gushing volume of the working surface is large,and the concentration of gas in the upper angle is easy to exceed the limit.On-site follow-up investigation and analysis of of gas source in upper corner on 15108 fully-mechanized working face.The main causes of gas emission from coal mining and goaf were found out,and the control mode of pressure relief gas was put forward,which combines high extraction roadway and the low roof inclined drilling,the effect of the discharge gas extraction was also evaluated.According to the study,the average volume of high-extraction roadway extraction is 69.5 m3/min,and the maximum is 90.0 m3/min,which can reach 92% of the total extraction volume.Low level borehole extraction measures play a good auxiliary role,the maximum pure volume of extraction is 12.4 m3/min,and the average is 5.8 m3/min.During the recovery period,the concentration of upper corner on working face gas was maintained at 0.08% to 0.40%.
Keywords:  absolute gas gushing volume   upper corner   pressure relief gas   gas control   high lever extraction roadway   low lever borehole
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