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Novel bilateral-diffusion image encryption algorithm with compound chaos and LFSR

In order to solve the problem of short cycle and low precision of one-dimensional (1D) chaotic function, the new compound two-dimensional chaotic function is presented by exploiting two 1D chaotic functions which are switched randomly. A new chaotic sequence generator is designed by the compound chaos and linear feedback shift register (LFSR). The random properties of compound chaotic functions and LFSR are also proved rigorously. The novel bilateral-diffusion image encryption algorithm and permutation algorithm are proposed based on the compound chaotic function and LFSR, which can produce more avalanche effect and larger key space. The entropy analysis, differential analysis, statistical analysis, cipher random analysis and cipher sensitivity analysis are introduced to test the security of new scheme. The results show that the novel image encryption method passes SP 800-22 standard tests and solves the problem of short cycle and low precision of 1D chaotic function.
Keywords:image encryption  compound chaos  LFSR  bilateral-diffusion  permutation algorithm
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