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Underlay Device to Device Communication with Imperfect Interference Channel Knowledge
Authors:Sara Sharifi  Mohammad Fathi
Affiliation:1.Department of Electronics and Electrical Communications,Bilbis Higher Institute of Engineering,Bilbis,Egypt;2.Department of Electronics and Electrical Communications, Faculty of Shoubra Engineering,Banha University,Banha,Egypt;3.Department of Electronics and Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Electronic Engineering,Menoufia University,Menouf,Egypt
Abstract:The objective of any night vision system is to enable a person to see in the dark. A low-contrast image puts a contrast constraint on the human observer visibility at night. This is the basic reason for the large number of accidents at night. This research presents two proposed approaches to enhance the visibility of the infrared (IR) night vision images through an efficient histogram processing. The first approach is based on contrast limited adaptive histogram equalization. The second proposed approach depends on histogram matching. The histogram matching uses a reference visual image for converting night vision images into good quality images. The obtained results are evaluated with quality metrics such as entropy, average gradient, contrast improvement factor and sobel edge magnitude.
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