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New approach to evaluate lattice expansion of light water reactor fuel elements on criticality safety of transport packages under impact accidents

In order to safely transport packages containing light water reactor fuel assemblies, it is essential to maintain the fuel assemblies in a subcritical state in accidents during transport. To evaluate nuclear criticality safety, an estimator is required to determine an absolutely safe level based not only on hypothetical accidents but also on practical accident levels which, to some extent, are based on actual accidents. The purpose of the present study is to suggest the arrangement of the deformation range of the fuel assembly after an actual accident, and to obtain the maximum value of the neutron effective multiplication factor based on the criticality safety assessment for the transport cask. In the present study, two kinds of criticality calculations for the package were considered: large scale pin pitch shift and small scale pin pitch shift. For the large scale pin pitch shift, a parameter which determines the location of each fuel pin which constitutes the fuel assembly was introduced so that the criticality calculation for the fuel assembly with non-uniform lattice pitch can be performed parametrically. The result of the criticality calculation using the parameter made it clear that the fuel pin pitch is sensitive to the neutron reactivity because each of the fuel pin pitches is related to a ratio of the fissile to the moderator, and that the relationship of the ratio to the neutron reactivity depends on the type of the fuel assembly involved, i.e. the type of a nuclear reactor in which a fuel assembly is used. For the small scale pin pitch shift, the study focused on the small displacement of each fuel pin. The small displacement of each fuel pin pitch can be described probabilistically using the stochastic geometry routine in MCNP code. Using the scheme in combination with the scheme for the large scale pin pitch shift, the maximum value of the neutron effective multiplication factor of the package after an accident can be obtained. This scheme is useful to determine the maximum neutron effective multiplication factor for the criticality safety evaluation.
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