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引用本文:王育庆,陈丽贤,刘风云,龙层花,段俊峰. 超激光配合电针推拿治疗腰椎后关节紊乱症的疗效观察[J]. 激光杂志, 2009, 30(3): 72-73
作者姓名:王育庆  陈丽贤  刘风云  龙层花  段俊峰
摘    要:目的:观察超激光治疗腰椎后关节紊乱症的临床疗效。方法:于2002年5月至2005年5月选择在广州军区广州总医院康复理疗科治疗的腰椎后关节紊乱症患者69例,采用随机数字表法将69例患者随机分为2组,治疗组35例和对照组34例。对照组运用按、揉、捏、拿、滚等手法在患者摇部上下操作,再做适当的腰部被动活动,约20分钟;再做电针灸治疗,在辨证论治和经络学说指导下,根据病证以循经取穴为主。进针得气后接G-6805Ⅱ型电针治疗仪,选用连续波。30分钟后起针,每天1次,10天为1疗程。治疗组在常规治疗的基础上,予以超激光照射治疗。主要照射腰腿部痛区,选择两到三个点治疗,每个点10分钟,1次/每天,10次为一个疗程,疗程间隔2天。治疗2个疗程后,采用1994年国家中医药管理局颁布的《中医病症诊断疗效标准》,康复:改善率为100%,症状体征消失或基本消失,功能恢复正常或基本正常;显效:改善率大于60%,症状体征基本消失,功能恢复基本正常;有效:改善率25%至60%,症状体征、功能有所改善;无效:改善率小于25%,症状体征无改善或加重。腰腿部疼痛的评价内容,使用目测模拟评估法。评定以0分表示无痛,10分表示患者感受最痛、无法忍受。结果:69例患者均进入结果分析。①经20次治疗后,治疗组总有效率高于对照组(1000%,91.2%,P〈0.01)。②疼痛视觉模拟评估法(针VAS)治疗前后比较:在镇痛方面,两组在治疗10次和20次后,疼痛较治疗前均有较为明显缓解(3.01±0.12,0.81±0.22,4.87±0.37;3.96±0.32,2.87±0.49,4.87±0.25),治疗组治疗第20次后较对照组评分明显降低(0.81±0.22,2.87±0.49,P〈0.01)。结论:超激光照射治疗腰腿可明显提高疗效,并对腰椎后关节紊乱症患者的疼痛?

关 键 词:超激光  推拿手法  电针  腰椎后关节紊乱症

The clinical observations of Disorder of face joint of Lumbar vertebrae through super laser with electro-acupuncture and Chinese naprapathy treatment
WANG Yu-qing,CHEN LI -xian,IAU Feng-yun,LONG Ceng-hua,DUAN Jun-feng. The clinical observations of Disorder of face joint of Lumbar vertebrae through super laser with electro-acupuncture and Chinese naprapathy treatment[J]. Laser Journal, 2009, 30(3): 72-73
Authors:WANG Yu-qing  CHEN LI -xian  IAU Feng-yun  LONG Ceng-hua  DUAN Jun-feng
Affiliation:(Department of Rehabilitation, General Hospital of Guangzhou Military Command of Chinese PLA, Guangzhou 510010, China)
Abstract:Objectives:This research is to observe the clinical effectiveness of disorder of face joint of Lumbar vertebrae through super laser with Electro - acuptmeture and Chinese naprapathy treatment. Methods: sixty nine patients with disorder of face joint of Lumbar vertebrae, who were treated at the Department of Rehabilitation, General Hospital of Guangzhou Military Command from May 2002 to May 2005, were selected. They were divided into two groups according to random numbers table method, treatment group ( n = 35) and control group (n=34). The patients in control group were treated with Chinese uaprapathy ( forcible thrusting, pinching, grasping, rolling and pulling etc. on lumbar and legs, and the suitable passive activity on lumbar for about 20 minutes. ) and Electro - acupuncture (Yaojiajixue, Shenshu, Huantiao, Chengfu, Weizhong, Yingrnen, Yanlingquan, Zushanli, Cbengshan, Ashixue etc. was taken as main points to treat ). The patients in the treatment group were treated with Super laser therapy based on the routine treatment. The pain point of the lumbar was take as main point to treat, choice two or three main points, everypoint retraining last for 10 minutes, once a day, 10 times as a course, and the interval of a course was 2 days. After treating for 2 courses, the effects were evaluated with (The curative effect of Standard of Herbalist doctor' disease in Diagnosis)mode by State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine of the people's Republic of China in 1994. When the improved rate was 100% it was rehabilitation; over 60% it was significant effect; 25% - 60% as efficiency;less than 25% as inefficiency . The evaluative content of lumbar - ache was detected with Visual Analogue Scale(VAS) ,0 point as painless, 10 points as severe pain that could not bear. Results: Totally 69 patients with Disorder of face joint of Iannbac vertebrae were involved in the result analysis. (1)after being treated for 20 times, total efficiency in treatment group was higher than that in t
Keywords:super laser  Chinese naprapathy  electro - acupuncture  disorder of face joint of Lumbar vertebrae
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