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Theory of superconductivity. 3. 2D conduction bands for high Tc. Bose-Einstein condensation transition of the third order
Authors:S. Fujita and S. Watanabe
Affiliation:(1) Department of Physics and Astronomy, State University of New York at Buffalo, 14260 Buffalo, New York;(2) Metals Research Institute, Hokkaido University, 060 Sapporo, Japan
Abstract:A general theory of superconductivity is developed, starting with a BCS Hamiltonian in which the interaction strengths (V11,V22,V12) among and between ldquoelectronrdquo (1) and ldquoholerdquo (2) Cooper pairs are differentiated, and identifying ldquoelectronsrdquo (ldquoholesrdquo) with positive (negative) masses as those Bloch electrons moving on the empty (filled) side of the Fermi surface. The supercondensate is shown to be composed of equal numbers of ldquoelectronrdquo and ldquoholerdquo ground (zero-momentum) Cooper pairs with charges ±2e and different masses. This picture of a neutral supercondensate naturally explains the London rigidity and the meta-stability of the supercurrent ring. It is proposed that for a compound conductor the supercondensate is formed between ldquoelectronrdquo and ldquoholerdquo Fermi energy sheets with the aid of optical phonons having momenta greater than the minimum distance (momentum) between the two sheets. The proposed model can account for the relatively short coherence lengthsxgr observed for the compound superconductors including intermetallic compound, organic, and cuprous superconductors. In particular, the model can explain why these compounds are type II superconductors in contrast with type I elemental superconductors whose condensate is mediated by acoustic phonons. A cuprous superconductor has 2D conduction bands due to its layered perovskite lattice structure. Excited (nonzero momentum) Cooper pairs (bound by the exchange of optical phonons) aboveTc are shown to move like free bosons with the energy-momentum relationepsiv=1/2vFq. They undergo a Bose-Einstein condensation atTc = 0.977hstrokvFkb–1n1/2, wheren is the number density of the Cooper pairs. The relatively high value ofTc (sim100 K) arises from the fact that the densityn is high:n1/2simxgr–1 sim107 cm–1. The phase transition is of the third order, and the heat capacity has a reversed lambda (lambda)-like peak atTc.
Keywords:Theory of superconductivity  new formula forTc  high-Tc superconductor  Bose-Einstein condensation
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