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摘    要:有色金属矿的尾矿库会产生酸性矿山废水,给矿区周围的土壤和地下水带来严重威胁。通过源头控制技术可以降低尾矿内硫化矿物的氧化速率,从而在源头上减少酸性矿山废水的产生。本文系统介绍了干式覆盖法(无机矿物覆盖层和有机覆盖层)、湿式覆盖法、掺碱混合填埋法以及细菌活性抑制法等几种源头控制方法的工作原理、实施方法以及工程应用实例。另外,论文还对各种源头控制方法存在的问题进行了分析和总结,并指出该领域未来需要在以下方面进行重点研究:对于无机矿物覆盖层,要注意研究其长期性能的劣化问题;对于有机覆盖层,需要对其可能存在的负面效应问题进行探讨;分析环境条件对作用效果的影响是湿式覆盖法在未来需要着重研究的问题;克服包裹效应是掺碱混合填埋法需要首先解决的问题;而对于细菌活性抑制法,则应重点考虑新型抑菌剂的研制及投放方式开发问题。

关 键 词:尾矿库  酸性矿山废水  源头控制

At-Source control methods for acid mine drainage from tailing impoundments
Abstract:Acid mine drainage (AMD) produced from tailing impoundments can result in serious contamination of the soil and groundwater around tailing impoundments. Numerous at-source control measures have been conducted to decrease the oxidation efficiency of sulfide mineral contained in tailing sand in order to prevent the formation of AMD at its source. These methods are classified into four major types: dry covers (mineral cover and organic cover), wet covers, alkaline addition, and bacterial inhibition. This review describes the work mechanism, construction method and engineering example of the current at-source control methods. In addition, some Shortcomings with respect to these at-source control measures have been summarized. some problems that are in need of further study for these at-source control measures includes: the deterioration mechanism of mineral covers, the negative effect of organic covers, the effects of environmental conditions on the performance of wet covers, the encapsulation problems with alkaline addition, and the development of new bactericide and dosing methods of bacterial inhibition.
Keywords:tailing impoundments   acid mine drainage   at-source control
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