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滕州市 完善公开机制 住房保障阳光运行
引用本文:马平. 滕州市 完善公开机制 住房保障阳光运行[J]. 城乡建设, 2012, 0(8): 82-83
摘    要:近年来,山东省滕州市把实施住房保障,解决群众住房困难作为义不容辞的责任,作为暖民心、解民忧、惠民生的实事来办,建设经济适用住房、廉租住房和公共租赁住房等保障性住房6410套,配租配售3179套,累计发放廉租住房租赁补贴423户。在保障性住房建设与管理中,滕州市始终把"公开、公正、公平"视为住房保障工作的生命线,多措并举,

关 键 词:住房保障  保障性  经济适用住房  廉租住房  保障工作  滕州  建设与管理  公开透明  配售  政策规定

Tengzhou:Perfect an open mechanism, housing security to operate in sunshine
Abstract:Tengzhou Shandong Province take the implementation of housing security and solving people’s housing dif ficulties as an obligator y responsibility, they handle these affairs as concrete affairs to warm people, relieve people’s distress and improve people’s livelihood. They always regard "just, fair and open" as the lifeline of housing security, take multiple measures, in the principle of transparency, perfect the mechanism, and make the housing security operate in sunshine
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