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Quantitative study of spurious X-ray production in thin film microanalysis
Authors:Frank Glas
Abstract:When X-ray microanalysis is performed in a TEM on a thin area of a specimen, some a priori indistinguishable spurious photons produced in other zones of this specimen are always recorded. Several mechanisms contribute to this production. For instance, some Bremsstrahlung and characteristic photons are generated by secondary and Auger electrons; a conservative upper bound to this particular contribution is calculated for several materials, and the present approach is compared to the Monte Carlo simulation. It is then shown that, in special test-specimens, the total extraneous contribution of the thick parts of the specimen to the spectra recorded in a thin zone can be measured; different instruments may now be compared in this respect. In the HB5 STEM, this total contribution remains low; its main cause is beam scattering in the specimen, not before it. Finally, an experimental procedure for estimating this bulk contribution in any specimen of interest is proposed. Calculations and experiments are illustrated for the case of gallium arsenide.
Keywords:X-ray microanalysis  thin films  scanning transmission electron microscopy (STEM)  transmission electron microscopy (TEM)  scattered electrons  secondary electrons  Bremsstrahlung  spurious signal  test-specimens  gallium arsenide
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