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The ability of the Millon Clinical Multiaxial Inventory--Third Edition to detect malingering.
Authors:Schoenberg, Mike R.   Dorr, Darwin   Morgan, C. Don
Abstract:This study investigated the ability of the Millon Clinical Multiaxial Inventory--Third Edition (MCMI-III) to discriminate students malingering psychopathology (n=106) from bona fide psychiatric inpatients (n=202). Students were randomly assigned to a fake-bad or an honest-responding condition. Analyses investigated the ability of the modifier indices to discriminate fake-bad group participants from the psychiatric inpatients. Scale X raw cutoff score >178 yielded a positive predictive power (PPP) of 0.0, a negative predictive power (NPP) of 63.1, and a hit rate of 63.1%. Optimal cutoff scores were developed. Scale X Base Rate (BR) >84 provided a PPP of 55.6, an NPP of 72.1, and a hit rate of 65.2%. Scale Y BR
Keywords:Millon Clinical Multiaxial Inventory--Third Edition   malingering   psychopathology   psychiatric inpatients   fake-bad group participants   discrimination
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