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ATLAS: a framework to provide multiuser and distributed t‐learning services over MHP
Authors:Jos   J. Pazos‐Arias,Martí  n L  pez‐Nores,Jorge Garcí  a‐Duque,Alberto Gil‐Solla,Manuel Ramos‐Cabrer,Yolanda Blanco‐Fern  ndez,Rebeca P. Dí  az‐Redondo,Ana Fern  ndez‐Vilas
Affiliation:José J. Pazos‐Arias,Martín López‐Nores,Jorge García‐Duque,Alberto Gil‐Solla,Manuel Ramos‐Cabrer,Yolanda Blanco‐Fernández,Rebeca P. Díaz‐Redondo,Ana Fernández‐Vilas
Abstract:The increasing need of the developed countries to carry out effective distance learning strategies has led to a great development of Internet‐based learning technologies (e‐learning). Despite its evident advantages, the expansion of e‐learning has been limited by the difficulty in reaching important social sectors, and also by the absence of mechanisms to fight the feeling of isolation of the users, which often leads them to abandoning the distance learning activities. This paper tackles these problems by introducing ATLAS, a framework for the development and deployment of multiuser t‐learning services (i.e. learning services over Interactive Digital TV). This framework is built around three major features: an architecture for the services that exploits the multimedia capabilities of the television, a communications infrastructure that promotes the establishment of virtual learning communities, and a development tool that allows services to be created with minimum programming knowledge. ATLAS has been designed by considering several features that make Interactive Digital TV quite different from the PC, advising against the direct translation of the models developed for the Internet. In particular, ATLAS adheres to the Multimedia Home Platform (MHP) standard, which is gaining worldwide acceptance as one of the technical solutions that will shape the future of Interactive Digital TV. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Keywords:t‐learning  synchronous interaction  peer‐to‐peer technologies  visual development  formal specification
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