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The LHC pre-series dipole cold mass geometry
Authors:Bajko   M. Chamizo   R. Savary   F. Skoczen   B. Veness   R. Jeanneret   J.B.
Affiliation:CERN, Geneva, Switzerland;
Abstract:In order to provide the necessary mechanical aperture for the LHC beam, the main dipole cold masses have to match precisely the nominal circular trajectory of the particles beam. The requirements on the dipole cold mass geometry are dictated by the LHC beam optics and by the allowed limits of mechanical deformation of the interconnection bellows. Keeping the tight tolerances that are imposed necessitates a well controlled bending process and the use of a high accuracy 3D measuring instrument for checking the geometry of the cold mass throughout many manufacturing stages up to the final inspection. The dipole cold mass pre-series production started in 2000. It is almost completed at the three sites. In this paper, we report on the problems encountered to shape correctly the cold masses, their effect on interconnection of the dipole cold masses and on the mechanical aperture. On one side measures to improve the production process in terms of accuracy and reproducibility were taken, on the other side the assembly tolerances could be relaxed following a thorough review of the machine requirements. The summary of the encountered problems, corrective actions and results obtained on the pre-series cold masses are presented and discussed.
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