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引用本文:葛 赛,赵 涛,吴 思,吴洋锋. 基于偏最小二乘及最小二乘支持向量机的人工加糙渠道糙率预测模型[J]. 南水北调与水利科技(中英文), 2018, 16(4): 189-182
作者姓名:葛 赛  赵 涛  吴 思  吴洋锋
基金项目:新疆维吾尔自治区自然科学基金项目( 2015211A025)
摘    要:影响渠道糙率的因素相当复杂,且因素间又存在一定的相关关系。为取得更为精确的糙率预测效果,采用偏最小二乘(PLS)法对影响人工加糙渠道糙率的因素进行分析,提取影响自变量的重要成分,结合最小二乘支持向量机(LSSVM)建立了人工加糙渠道糙率预测模型。结合实例,通过对某人工加糙渠道相关试验数据进行PLS-LSSVM模型的训练及预测,并将预测结果与单独使用PLS、LSSVM及公式法的预测结果进行对比,其结果显示:基于PLSLSSVM模型的预测平均绝对百分比误差MAPE为1.38%,均方根误差RMSE为2.24×10~(-4),预测精度均优于PLS、LSSVM及公式法的预测结果。结果表明,将PLS与LSSVM相结合的PLS-LSSVM模型,综合了PLS与LSSVM各自的优势,应用PLS-LSSVM模型可有效进行人工加糙渠道糙率的预测。

关 键 词:偏最小二乘( PLS)    最小二乘支持向量机( LSSVM)    人工加糙渠道   糙率   预测

Roughness prediction model for artificially roughened channel based on partial least squareand least square support vector machine
GE Sai,ZH AO Tao,WU Si,WU Yang feng. Roughness prediction model for artificially roughened channel based on partial least squareand least square support vector machine[J]. South-to-North Water Transfers and Water Science & Technology, 2018, 16(4): 189-182
Authors:GE Sai  ZH AO Tao  WU Si  WU Yang feng
Affiliation:( 1. College of Water Co nser vancy and Civi l Eng ineer ing , X inj iang A gr icultur al Univ er s ity , Ur umqi 830052, China;2. Yellow River Engineer ing Consulting Co . , L td, Zhengz hou 450003, China)
Abstract:The fact ors that affect the roug hness o f a channel are quite complex , and there is a cer tain co rr elatio n between the fac2to rs. In o rder to o bt ain a more accurate prediction of t he r oughness, we used the pa rtial least squares ( PLS) method to analyzethe facto rs that affect the r oughness o f ar tificially r oughened channels, and we extr acted t he import ant compo nents that affectthe independent v ariables. Then w e established the ro ug hness predictio n model for artif icially ro ug hened channels based on leastsquar e suppo rt v ect or machine ( LSSVM) . We used the ex per imental data of an ar tificially roug hened channel fo r training andpr ediction of the PLS2LSSVM mo del, and compar ed the pr edict ion results w ith the pr edict ion results of PLS, LSSVM, and for2mula metho ds. T he results showed that the mean absolute percentag e er ro r (MA PE) o f predictio n based o n PLS2LSSVM modelwas 11 38%, and t he r oot mean square er ro r ( RMSE) was 21 24 @ 1024 . Its predictio n accuracy w as better than t hat o f t he PLS,LSSVM, and fo rmula methods. The results show ed that the PLS2LSSVM mo del w hich combines PLS and LSSVM can int eg rat ethe advantages of PLS and LSSVM. PLS2LSSVM model can effect ively pr edict the roug hness of ar tificially roug hened channels.
Keywords:par tial least squa res ( PLS)    least squar e suppor t v ecto r machine ( LSSVM)    art ificially r oughened channel   r ough2ness   prediction
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