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引用本文:刘孟凯,莫 庸,杨 佳,管光华. 暴雨条件下的长距离渠系水力响应特性研究[J]. 南水北调与水利科技(中英文), 2018, 16(1): 151-157
作者姓名:刘孟凯  莫 庸  杨 佳  管光华
基金项目:国家自然科学基金( 51779196; 51309015; 51009108; 51439006) ; 国家重点研发计划课题( 2016YFC0401810) ; 2017 校青年科技骨 干培育计划项目( 2017xz030)
摘    要:暴雨是常见的天气现象,其对长距离输水渠系的适时适量供水及工程安全具有重要影响。通过建立暴雨影响下的渠系水力响应模拟模型,分析了不同暴雨条件和渠系闸门群有无联合调度等情况下的渠系联合水力响应规律,结果表明,暴雨可威胁渠系的运行安全,而恰当的渠系运行控制响应模式是改善渠系水力响应的重要方法,有利于促进输水安全。暴雨可造成南水北调中线工程渠道内水位雍高,雍高程度受降雨强度、降雨范围和渠道断面位置影响,其中末端渠池下游的水位雍高最大,连续3日暴雨可造成水位雍高0.44m,使渠系面临外溢风险,而采用闸门群联合调度后,可有效削减壅水高度,但此时的壅水高度还受渠系控制模式和参数取值等因素影响,且渠系风险位置也将位于降水影响区最上游端渠池。

关 键 词:长距离渠系  暴雨  非恒定流  数值模拟  水力响应

Hydraulic response of long-distance canal system under the effect of rainstorm
LIU Mengkai,MO Yong,YANG Ji,GUAN Guanghua. Hydraulic response of long-distance canal system under the effect of rainstorm[J]. South-to-North Water Transfers and Water Science & Technology, 2018, 16(1): 151-157
Authors:LIU Mengkai  MO Yong  YANG Ji  GUAN Guanghua
Affiliation:( 1. Wuhan University of science and technology , Wuhan 430081, China; 2. Wuhan University , Wuhan 430072, China)
Abstract:Rainstorm is a common weather phenomenon. It infuences the timely and sufficient water supply of long-distance canal system and engineering security. In this paper, we established a mathematical model to simulate the hydraulic responses under different rainstorm processes. The simulation results showed that: the rainstorm affects the operation security of the system, and the proper canal system operation can improve the security. Rainstorm can raise the water level, the extent of which depends on rainstorm intensity, rainstorm scope, and the location of the observed cross-section. The maximum increase occurs down the last canal pool. A 3-day rainstorm can increase the water level by 0.44m, endangering canal safety. With joint operation of the gates, the dammed water level can be effectively reduced, but it is still influenced by the contr ol mode of the canal system and par ameter values; and the risk position will be the first canal pool in the rainstorm-stricken area.
Keywords:long-distance canal system   rainsto rm   unsteady flow   numerical simulation   hydraulic response
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