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Effects of Salting, Drying, Cooking, and Smoking Operations on Volatile Compound Formation and Color Patterns in Pork
Authors:I Poligné    A Collignan    G TRYSTRAM
Affiliation:Authors Poligne and Collignan are at CIRAD, Station de la Bretagne - B.P. 20 - F97408 Saint Denis Messag. Cedex 9, Réunion, France. Direct inquiries to author Collignan (E-mail: ).
Abstract:ABSTRACT: The traditional small-scale production of boucané, a cured smoked pork-belly product from Réunion, involves several unit operations that are performed in a single step. The aim of this study was to highligh the impact of 4 unit operations (salting, drying, cooking, and smoking) on stability, color, and flavor development in processed pork. These characateristics are the 3 main criteria of boucané's quality. Mass transfer, color, and volatile compounds were measured, analyzed, and compared in 4 products. Results indicated that a major quantity of volatile compounds detected in the processed meat were derived from the smoking process. Color variations were mainly explained by muscle pigment modification due to the cooking process, and by the input of volatile compounds of smoke.
Keywords:pork belly  meat curing  hot smoking  volatile compounds  color
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