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引用本文:侯波,阮学云. 无铰式斜轴泵的振动特性及减振[J]. 机床与液压, 2001, 0(6): 83-85
作者姓名:侯波  阮学云
摘    要:对无铰式斜轴泵缸体的振动特性和产生机理进行了分析研究。指出:泵在运转时,其缸体产生扭转振动,振幅随主轴盘转速改变而变化,随摆角增加而增加。扭振是因柱塞连杆对缸体的不均匀驱动而产生,受偏斜力矩的激励而加强,并引发共振。扭振会破坏泵的工作性能,降低其使用可靠性。探讨了可能的减振措施,并介绍了取得良好减振效果的干摩 察阻尼减振器的结构原理和设计要点。

关 键 词:斜轴泵  缸体  扭振  转角  转速

Vibration characteristic of bend axis piston pump and and its vibration isolator
Hou Bo. Vibration characteristic of bend axis piston pump and and its vibration isolator[J]. Machine Tool & Hydraulics, 2001, 0(6): 83-85
Authors:Hou Bo
Abstract:The vibration characteristics of bend axis piston pumpand and its producing mechanism are studied in this paper. The main conclusions for this research are the follwing. The vibration of cylinder is a non-simple forced vibration, which amplitude changes along with rotational speed of plate of principal axis and increases along with pendulum angle. The uneven driving of connecting rods lead to torsional vibration.
Keywords:Bend axis piston pump  Cylinder  Torsional vibration  Rotational speed  
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