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Abstract:GENERAL PRINCIPLES: Contact Angles in a Biological Setting: Measurements in the Human Oral Cavity. M. D. Jendresen, R.E. Baier and P. Glantz GENERAL PRINCIPLES: Toxicological Evaluation of Carrageenans 2. Definition, Structure, Manufacture, Properties and Applications. G. Martin. GENERAL PRINCIPLES: Thermal Denaturation and Aggregation of β-Lactoglobulin in Solution. Electron Microscopic Study. V.R. Harwalker and M. Kalab GENERAL PRINCIPLES: Relationship Between Nature of Vegetable Oil, Emulsifier and the Stability of W/O Emulsion. N. Garti and G.F. Remon GENERAL PRINCIPLES: Heat Stability of Fish Muscle Proteins. R.G. Poulter, D.A. Ledward, S. Godber, G. Hall and B. Rowlands GENERAL PRINCIPLES: Rheological Characterization of Microcrystalline Cellulose Dispersions: Avicel RC 591. G.J. Brownsey and M.J. Ridout GENERAL PRINCIPLES: Rheological Property of Myosin B Fibre and the Fibre of the Mixture of Myosin B and Soya Protein; and the Interaction Between Myosin B and Soya Protein. Liang-Chuan Lin and Tatsumi Ito GENERAL PRINCIPLES: Surface Rheological Properties of Hyaluronic Acid Solutions. H.R. Kerr and B. Warburton GENERAL PRINCIPLES: Macroscopic Wrinkling of Muscle Fibres, a Source of Error in Objective Assessment of Meat Toughness. R.W.D. Rowe GENERAL PRINCIPLES: The Physical Basis of Meat Texture: Observations on the Fracture Behaviour of Cooked Bovine M. Semitendinosus, P.P. Purslow GENERAL PRINCIPLES: Frictional Effects in Compressional Deformation of Gelatin and Starch Gels and Comparison of Material Response in Simple Shear, Torsion, and Lubricated Uniaxial Compression. (Research Note), E.B. Bagley, D.D. Christianson and W.J. Wolf GENERAL PRINCIPLES: Edge Fracture in Cone/Plate Viscometry. R.I. Tanner GENERAL PRINCIPLES: Rheological Properties of Deacetylated Xanthan in Aqueous Media. M. Tako and S. Nakamura GENERAL PRINCIPLES: Rheological Behavior of High Methoxyl Pectin Gels with a Cone-Plate Rheometer. Relationships Between Rheological Parameters and Gel Composition. S.M. Fiszman, E. Costell and L. Duran GENERAL PRINCIPLES: Thixotropic Properties of Gelatinized Rice Starch Solutions. J.B. Kim, Y.S. Kim, S.Y. Lee, Y.R. Pyun GENERAL PRINCIPLES: Structure-Function Relationships in Food Proteins: Subunit Interactions in Heat-Induced Gelatin of 7S, 11S and Soy Isolate Proteins. Utsumi, S. and J.E. Kinsella INSTRUMENTAL MEASUREMENTS: Analysis of a Biscuit Test: Preliminary Study of Significant Criteria and Prediction Breeding. G. Branlard, K. Benoualid, M. Roussel, J. Grebaut and Y. Seince INSTRUMENTAL MEASUREMENTS: Application of Small Sample Back Extrusion Test for Measuring Texture of Cooked Sorghum Grain. G.B. Cagampang, A.W. Kirleis and J.S. Marks OBJECTIVE MEASUREMENTS: Rheological Properties of Comminuted Meat Batters and the Relationship to Constituent Interactions. D.L. Burge, Jr. and J.C. Acton OBJECTIVE MEASUREMENTS: A Screening Test for Grain Hardness in Sorghum Employing Density Grading in Sodium Nitrate Solution. L. Hallgren and D.S. Murty SUBJECTIVE MEASUREMENTS: The Design and Practical Use of an Overall Quality Index for Food Products. P. Molnar CONSUMER ACCEPTANCE: Relative Importance of Sensory Factors to Acceptance: Theoretical and Empirical Analyses. H.R. Moskowitz FACTORS AFFECTING TEXTURE: Effects of Temperature, Light and Storage Time on the Sensory and Exudate Loss Characteristics of Vacuum-or-Nitrogen-Packed Ground Beef. B.H Lee, R.E. Simard, C.L. Laleye and R.A. Holley FACTORS AFFECTING TEXTURE: Changes in Freezing Point and Rheological Properties of Ice Cream Mix as a Function of Sweetner System and Whey Substitution. D.E. Smith, A.S. Bokshi and C.J. Lomauro FACTORS AFFECTING TEXTURE: Effect of Purging on Quality Changes of Ice-Chilled Freshwater Prawn, Machrobrachium Rosenbergii. W.K. Nip, J.H. Moy and J.J. Tzang FACTORS AFFECTING TEXTURE: Functional Aspects of Blood Plasma Proteins II Gelling Properties. N.K. Howell and R. A. Lowrie FACTORS AFFECTING TEXTURE: Functional Aspects of Blood Plasma Proteins III Interaction With Other Proteins and Stabilizers. N.K. Howell and R.A. Lawrie FACTORS AFFECTING TEXTURE: Role of Carbohydrates in Soya Extrusion. P.R. Sheard, D.A. Ledward and J.R. Mitchell FACTORS AFFECTING TEXTURE: Studies on the Development of Texturized Vegetable Products by the Extrusion Process. 1. Effect of Processing Variables on Protein Properties. C.B. Pham and R.R. DelRosario FACTORS AFFECTING TEXTURE: Engineering Factors in the Production of Concentrated Fruit Juices. II Fluid Physical Properties of Grape Juices. M. Moresi and M. Spinosi FACTORS AFFECTING TEXTURE: Phytate, Phosphorus and Calcium Contents of Mature Seeds of Vicia Faba 1. And Their Relation to Texture of Pressure-Cooked Faba Bean. A.M. El-Tabey Shehata, T.M. Abu-Bakr and N.M. El-Shimi FACTORS AFFECTING TEXTURE: A Kinetic Study of Bread Staling by Differential Scanning Calorimetry and Compressibility Measurements. The Effect of Different Grists. Peter L. Russell FACTORS AFFECTING TEXTURE: A Kinetic Study of Bread Staling by Differential Scanning Calorimetry and Compressibility Measurements. The Effect of Added Monoglyceride. Peter L. Russell FACTORS AFFECTING TEXTURE: Rheological Behavior of Venezuelan Arepa Dough from Precooked Corn Flour. M.R. de Padua and H.P. Maroun FACTORS AFFECTING TEXTURE: Effects of Monoglycerides on the Staling of Bread. Y. Malkki, J. Paakkanen and K. Eerola FACTORS AFFECTING TEXTURE: The Influence of the Interaction of Mono-and Di-Glycerides with Milk Proteins on the Rheology and Stability of Food Emulsions. G. Doxastakis and P. Sherman RELATIONSHIP TO STRUCTURE: Hydrophobicity of ν-Cliadins 45 and 42 of Triticum Durum Wheat (Triticum Durum DESF). M. Cotenet, K. Kobrehel and J.-C Autran
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