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引用本文:陈月庆,武黎黎,章光新,吴燕锋,严登华. 湿地水文连通研究综述[J]. 南水北调与水利科技(中英文), 2019, 17(1): 26-38
作者姓名:陈月庆  武黎黎  章光新  吴燕锋  严登华
基金项目:国家重点研发计划资助项目( 2017YFC0406003) ; 国家自然科学基金项目( 41701395; 41877160) ; 中国科学院学部学科发展战略 研究项目( 2017DXA) ; 信阳师范学院/ 南湖学者奖励计划0青年项目
摘    要:变化环境下湿地水文连通性显著下降,导致湿地面积萎缩和生态水文功能退化乃至流域水环境恶化与水旱灾害风险增大。在定义湿地水文连通性内涵和特征的基础上,系统总结了湿地水文连通的研究历程,可分为萌芽起步阶段(1980-2009年)和研究探索阶段(2010年至今);重点阐述了湿地水文连通的研究热点及进展,主要包括湿地水文连通性的定量评估方法、湿地水文连通功能、湿地水文连通在湿地保护修复和流域水管理中的应用;最后,针对当前湿地水文连通研究存在的问题和薄弱环节,结合新时期湿地保护修复和河湖水系连通等国家重大需求,提出了未来亟需加强研究的重点方向。

关 键 词:湿地水文连通性  湿地水文连通功能  河湖水系连通  湿地保护修复  流域水管理

Review of wetland hydrological connectivity
CHEN Yueqing,WU Lili,ZH ANG Guangx in,WU Yanfeng,YAN Denghua. Review of wetland hydrological connectivity[J]. South-to-North Water Transfers and Water Science & Technology, 2019, 17(1): 26-38
Authors:CHEN Yueqing  WU Lili  ZH ANG Guangx in  WU Yanfeng  YAN Denghua
Affiliation:( 1. School of Geographic Sciences, Xinyang Normal University , Xinyang 464000, China; 2. Northeast I nstitute of Geographyand Agroecology , Chinese Academy of Sciences, Changchun 130102, China; 3. China Institute of Water Resources and Hydropower Research, Beij ing 100038, China)
Abstract:In a chang ing env ir onment, wetland hydrolog ical connectivit y decreases significantly, r esulting in the shrinkag e o f w et2 land area and the degr adat ion of eco2hydro lo gical functio ns o f wetlands, and wo rse still, the deterio ration of water envir onment and the incr eased risk o f flo ods and dr oughts in the river basin. On the basis o f defining the connotation and characteristics of wetland hydro lo gical co nnectivity, this article systematically summarizes t he research histo ry o f w etland hydr olo gica l co nnectiv i2 ty . It can be div ided int o the g erminatio n stag e ( from 1980 to 2009) and the ex plo ratio n stag e ( from 2010 to present) . T hen the article focuses on the r esear ch hotspots and pro gr ess of w etland hy dr olog ical connectivity , including quantitative assessment met ho ds for wet land hydro log ical connect ivity, the functio ns of wet land hydro log ical co nnectivity, the applicatio ns of w etland hy dr olog ical connect ivity in w etland pro tect ion and r est orat ion and basin w ater management. Fina lly, in view of the pro blems and weaknesses in the current studies of w et land hydro lo gical co nnectiv ity, co nsidering the major natio na l needs fo r w etland pr otectio n and r esto ration and inter co nnected river system netw or k in the new perio d, this article pro po ses the key directio ns for future r esear ch.
Keywords:wetland hy drolog ical connectivit y   functions o f wetland hydrological connectivit y   inter connected riversy stemne- work   wetland protection and restoration   basin water management
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