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Use of a night vision intensifier for direct visualization by eye of far-red and near-infrared fluorescence through an optical microscope
Authors:M. A. Siddiqi,G. M. Kilduff,&   J. D. Gearhart
Affiliation:The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Institute for Cell Engineering, 600 North Wolfe Street, Park Building B2-202, Baltimore, MD 21287, U.S.A.; Barber Optics, 8300 Guilford Road Suite E, Columbia, MD 21046, U.S.A.
Abstract:We describe the design, construction and testing of a prototype device that allows the direct visualization by eye of far‐red and near‐infrared (NIR) fluorescence through an optical microscope. The device incorporates a gallium arsenide (GaAs) image intensifier, typically utilized in low‐light or ‘night vision’ applications. The intensifier converts far‐red and NIR light into electrons and then into green light, which is visible to the human eye. The prototype makes possible the direct, real‐time viewing by eye of normally invisible far‐red and NIR fluorescence from a wide variety of fluorophores, using the full field of view of the microscope to which it is applied. The high sensitivity of the image intensifier facilitates the viewing of a wide variety of photosensitive specimens, including live cells and embryos, at vastly reduced illumination levels in both fluorescence and bright‐field microscopy. Modifications to the microscope are not required in order to use the prototype, which is fully compatible with all current fluorescence techniques. Refined versions of the prototype device will have broad research and clinical applications.
Keywords:Cy5    direct visualization    far-red    fluorescence    image intensifier    low-light    microscope    near-infrared    night vision
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