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The position of the structurally autonomous kringle 2 domain influences the functional features of tissue-type plasminogen activator
Authors:Bakker, Arjen H. F.   Rehberg, Edward F.   Marotti, Keith R.   Verheijen, Jan H.
Affiliation:Gaubius Laboratory TNO-PG, PO Box 2215, 2301 CE Leiden, The Netherlands 1 The Upjohn Company, Molecular Biology Department, Kalamazoo, MI, USA
Abstract:Tissue-type plasminogen activator (t-PA) is composed of structurallyautonomous domains. From the N-terminus of t-PA, a finger-likedomain (F), an epidermal growth factor-like domain (G), twokringle domains (Kl and K2) and a serine protease domain (P)can be discerned. The K2 domain of t-PA is known to be involvedin lysine binding, fibrin binding and fibrin-dependent plasminogenactivation. To study the functional autonomy of the K2 domainin t-PA we constructed, with the aid of a cassette t-PA gene[Rehberg et al. (1989) Protein Engng, 2,371–377], mutantt-PA genes coding for four molecules (FGK1K2P, FGK2K1P, GK1K2Pand GK2K1P) in which the K2 domain was placed in two differentpositions in t-PA. The DNAs of wild-type t-PA and the t-PA variantswere expressed in Chinese hamster ovary cells and the recombinantproteins were purified by affinity chromatography.All moleculeswere expressed in their single-chain form and could be convertedto their two-chain form. With these molecules, lysine binding,fibrin binding and fibrin-dependent plasminogen activation werestudied. All variants showed affinity for lysyl-Sepharose andaminohexyl-Sepharose. Reversal of the K domains (FGK2K1P versusFGK2K1P and GK1K2P versus GK2K1P) resulted in a 23–47%weaker interaction to both lysyl-Sepharose and aminohexyl-Sepharose.Deleting the F domain (FGK1K2P versus GK1K2P and FGK2K1P versusGK2K1P) resulted in a 20–70% improvement of the interactionslysyl-Sepharose and aminohexyl-Sepharose. All variants boundto a forming fibrin clot. Reversal of the K domains (FGK1K2Pversus FGK2K1P) reduced fibrin binding. In the presence of thelysine analogue {varepsilon}-amino caproic acid, only FGK1K2P bound to fibrin.All variants activated plasminogen. In the absence of fibrinogenCNBr fragments (mimic of fibrin), the reversal of the K domain(FGK2K1P) resulted in a 2-fold improved plasminogen activation.In the presence of a fibrin mimic, the plasminogen activationsof the F domain deletion analogues GK1K2P and GK2K1P were foundto be decreased 2- to 4-fold. From these results we concludedthat the function of t-PA in lysine binding, fibrin bindingand fibrin-dependent plasminogen activation is dependent onthe correct spatial orientation of the K2 domain within thet-PA molecule
Keywords:domain reversal/  functional analysis/  mutant/  tissue-type plasminogen activator
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