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Insular cortex and consummatory successive negative contrast in the rat.
Authors:Lin, Jian-You   Roman, Christopher   Reilly, Steve
Abstract:Rats that are expecting a high value reward (e.g., 1.0 M sucrose) show an exaggerated underresponding when they are instead given a low value reward (e.g., 0.15% saccharin), an effect termed successive negative contrast (SNC). In the present experiment, insular cortex-lesioned (ICX) rats showed normal responsivity to sucrose and saccharin prior to the reward downshift. However, when switched from sucrose to saccharin during the postshift trials these rats displayed no evidence of SNC. Indeed, over the downshift trials these ICX rats consistently drank more saccharin than the ICX rats maintained on saccharin throughout the experiment. Potential interpretations are discussed including a lesion-induced impairment in the ability to accurately recognize the novelty of the postshift saccharin stimulus. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)
Keywords:value reward   postshift saccharin stimulus   lesion-induced impairment   successive negative contrast   postshift trials   exaggerated underresponding   downshift trials   reward downshift
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