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Structural Alterations of Antigens at the Material Interface: An Early Decision Toolbox Facilitating Safe-by-Design Nanovaccine Development
Authors:Litty Johnson,Lorenz Aglas,Wai Tuck Soh,Mark Geppert,Sabine Hofer,Norbert Hofstä  tter,Peter Briza,Fatima Ferreira,Richard Weiss,Hans Brandstetter,Albert Duschl,Martin Himly
Affiliation:Department of Biosciences, University of Salzburg, 5020 Salzburg, Austria; (L.J.); (L.A.); (W.T.S.); (M.G.); (S.H.); (N.H.); (P.B.); (F.F.); (R.W.); (H.B.); (A.D.)
Abstract:Nanomaterials have found extensive interest in the development of novel vaccines, as adjuvants and/or carriers in vaccination platforms. Conjugation of protein antigens at the particle surface by non-covalent adsorption is the most widely used approach in licensed particulate vaccines. Hence, it is essential to understand proteins’ structural integrity at the material interface in order to develop safe-by-design nanovaccines. In this study, we utilized two model proteins, the wild-type allergen Bet v 1 and its hypoallergenic fold variant (BM4), to compare SiO2 nanoparticles with Alhydrogel® as particulate systems. A set of biophysical and functional assays including circular dichroism spectroscopy and proteolytic degradation was used to examine the antigens’ structural integrity at the material interface. Conjugation of both biomolecules to the particulate systems decreased their proteolytic stability. However, we observed qualitative and quantitative differences in antigen processing concomitant with differences in their fold stability. These changes further led to an alteration in IgE epitope recognition. Here, we propose a toolbox of biophysical and functional in vitro assays for the suitability assessment of nanomaterials in the early stages of vaccine development. These tools will aid in safe-by-design innovations and allow fine-tuning the properties of nanoparticle candidates to shape a specific immune response.
Keywords:Alhydrogel®  , silica nanoparticles, Bet v 1, BM4, SiO2, allergen, structural integrity, alum
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