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Monte Carlo simulations of wave scattering from lossy dielectricrandom rough surfaces using the physics-based two-grid method and thecanonical-grid method
Authors:Qin Li Hou Chan Leung Tsang
Affiliation:Dept. of Electr. Eng., Washington Univ., Seattle, WA;
Abstract:In using the method of moments to solve scattering by lossy dielectric surfaces, usually a single dense grid (SDG) with 30 points per wavelength is required for accurate results. A single coarse grid (SCG) of ten points per wavelength does not give accurate results. However, the central processing unit (CPU) and memory requirements of SDG are much larger than that of SCG. In a physics-based two-grid method (PBTG) two grids are used: a dense grid and a coarse grid. The method is based on the two observations: (1) Green's function of the lossy dielectric is attenuative and (2) the free-space Green's function is slowly varying on the dense grid. In this paper, the PBTG method is combined with the banded-matrix iterative approach/canonical grid method to solve rough surface scattering problem for both TE and TM cases and also for near grazing incidence. We studied cases of dielectric permittivities as high as (25+i)ϵ0 and incidence angle up to 85°. Salient features of the numerical results are: (1) an SCG has poorer accuracy for TM case than TE case; (2) PBTG-banded-matrix iterative approach/canonical grid BMIA/CAG method speeds up CPU and preserves the accuracy; it has an accuracy comparable to single dense grid and yet has CPU comparable to single coarse grid; (3) PBTG-BMIA/CAG gives accurate results for emissivity calculations and also for low grazing backscattering problems (LGBA); and (4) the computational complexity and the memory requirements of the present algorithm are O(N log(N)) and O(N), respectively, where N is the number of surface unknowns on the coarse grid
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