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引用本文:周颖,惠延波,冯兰芳,闫磊,马晓晓. 基于X射线无损研究霉变对小麦籽粒三维结构的影响[J]. 中国粮油学报, 2019, 34(7): 95
作者姓名:周颖  惠延波  冯兰芳  闫磊  马晓晓
摘    要:食品微观结构在确定其最终产品性能方面起着至关重要的作用,霉菌又是粮食储藏期危害非常严重的微生物类群,目前对粮粒感染霉菌后的研究多是间接的、破坏性的,无损的研究食品感染霉菌后内部微观结构的变化非常困难。X射线断层扫描技术提供了一个极好的工具来无损的评估食品内部的组分,本文利用X射线断层扫描法实现了小麦籽粒发霉后内部特征的三维可视化和定量分析。利用图像滤波、阈值分割、重建算法对X射线断层扫描获取的图像进行重建和渲染,实现了感染籽粒及内部孔隙的三维可视化,除了可视化还获取了如籽粒体积、籽粒内部孔隙率等参数。X射线断层扫描是一种强有力的工具,可以用于粮食储藏期间易发霉部位如(粮仓墙壁附近、粮粒表层)以及粮食在深加工前是否霉变的区分检测,用于无损检测单颗小麦籽粒等生物材料的损伤和微观结构组织的变化。

关 键 词:X射线断层扫描  3D可视化  小麦籽粒  霉菌

Non-destructive characterization of the effect of fungi growth on the three-dimensional microstructure of whole wheat kernels using X-ray micro-computed tomography
Abstract:Food micro-structure plays a crucial role in determining the properties of its end-products. Fungi is a microbial group that is very harmful to the grain in storage period. At present, most studies on food-infected fungi are indirect and destructive, and it is very difficult to study the changes in internal microstructure after food-infected fungi without destructiveness. X-ray computer tomography provides an excellent tool to assess the internal components of food products non-destructively. In this paper, the three-dimensional visualization and quantitative analysis of the internal characteristics of wheat grain after fungi were realized by X-ray tomography. Image reconstruction, threshold segmentation and reconstruction algorithm are used to reconstruct and render the image obtained by X-ray tomography, which realizes the three-dimensional visualization of infected grain and internal pores. Beside the visualization, the morphological parameters such as volume and porosity are also obtained. X-ray microtomography tomography is a powerful tool for the non-invasive investigation of damage and microstructure organization in biological materials such as single wheat kernels.
Keywords:X-ray microtomography tomography  3D visualization  Wheat kernel  fungi
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