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The thermal springs of bockfjord, svalbard: occurrence and major ion hydrochemistry
Authors:David Banks   Ronald S. Sletten   Sylvi Haldorsen   Barrie Dale   Michael Heim  Berit Swensen
Affiliation:1Norges Geologiske Undersøkelse (Geological Survey of Norway), Postboks 3006 Lade, N7002 Trondheim, Norway.;2Quaternary Research Center, Box 351360, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington 98195-1360, U.S.A.;3Department of Soil and Water Sciences, Norges Landbrukshøyskole (Agricultural University of Norway), Postboks 5028, N1432, Ås, Norway.;4Department of Geology, University of Oslo, Postboks 1047 Blindern, N0316 Oslo, Norway.
Abstract:The Troll and Jotun thermal springs of northern Svalbard, with temperatures of up to 25.6°C, are derived from a major fault forming the junction between Devonian sandstones and Proterozoic marbles, mica schists and gneisses. The Troll waters are dominated by Na–HCO3 compositions and the Jotun waters by Na–Cl compositions. The pristine thermal water source has a sub-neutral pH and is highly reducing. Taken at face value, common geothermometers suggest temperatures at depth of 130–180°C for the Troll springs (corresponding to a depth of 1.6–2.3 km), with 10–30% thermal water diluted by 70–90% cold water. Such geothermometers may, however, be inappropriate to the cool, high CO2 waters of Bockfjord, and real temperatures at depth and dilution factors are probably considerably lower. The salinity of the thermal water appears to be only partially derived from water–rock interaction; BrCl ratios suggest that seawater or possibly evaporites may be a source of chloride salinity.
Keywords:thermal waters   geochemistry   Svalbard   Spitsbergen
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