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The Correlation Conversion property of quantum channels
Authors:Laszlo Gyongyosi
Affiliation:1. Quantum Technologies Laboratory, Department of Telecommunications, Budapest University of Technology and Economics, 2 Magyar tudosok krt, 1117?, Budapest, Hungary
2. Information Systems Research Group, Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, 1518?, Budapest, Hungary
Abstract:Transmission of quantum entanglement will play a crucial role in future networks and long-distance quantum communications. Quantum key distribution, the working mechanism of quantum repeaters and the various quantum communication protocols are all based on quantum entanglement. On the other hand, quantum entanglement is extremely fragile and sensitive to the noise of the communication channel over which it has been transmitted. To share entanglement between distant points, high fidelity quantum channels are needed. In practice, these communication links are noisy, which makes it impossible or extremely difficult and expensive to distribute entanglement. In this work, we first show that quantum entanglement can be generated by a new idea, exploiting the most natural effect of the communication channels: the noise itself of the link. We prove that the noise transformation of quantum channels that are not able to transmit quantum entanglement can be used to generate distillable (useable) entanglement from classically correlated input. We call this new phenomenon the Correlation Conversion property of quantum channels. The proposed solution does not require any non-local operation or local measurement by the parties, only the use of standard quantum channels. Our results have implications and consequences for the future quantum communications and for global-scale quantum communication networks. The discovery also revealed that entanglement generation by local operations is possible.
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