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作者姓名:刘超群  李志刚  徐江  叶嘉安
作者单位:[1]中山大学城市与区域研究中心 [2]香港中文大学地理与资源管理学系 [3]香港大学城市规划与设计系
基金项目:香港研究资助局优配研究金(GRF)资助项目(CUHK453609);香港中文大学南中国研究资助项目(6902649);香港李嘉诚基金和香港大学当代中国策略研究资助项目;国家自然科学基金资助项目(40771067,40701049,40971095);教育部人文社会科学重点研究基地项目(08JJD820170) 致谢:中山大学城市与区域规划系杜枫、陈嫣嫣、苟倩莹对本文亦有贡献.
摘    要:20世纪后半期以来,区域特别是城市区域重新成为研究关注的焦点,而区域管治作为应对一体化困境的新手段在世界范围内盛行。本文以珠三角的跨行政边界基础设施建设案例为实证,通过对相关行为主体的深度访谈和对典型事件的分析,展现处于特殊制度背景下的珠三角区域管治新图景。研究表明,在政府所主导的珠三角“城市区域”重构中,对空间性的跨境基础设施的规划建设正成为实施管治最为重要的手段。正是通过空间,中央、省、市各级政府的权力才得以流通,管治目标才得以达成;同时,对空间管理权的争夺也重置了各层级政府的管理边界,并有可能进一步促进城市、区域和国家的政治经济转型。

关 键 词:珠三角  区域管治  跨界基础设施  空间  权力

The Restructuring of the City-regions in Transitional Pearl River Delta: a Case Study of the Construction of Inter-jurisdictional Infrastructures
Abstract:In the late 1990s, region particularly city-region regains the attentions of scholarship. Regional governance becomes an important approach to fight against the crisis of regional integrations. This study examines several cases of the construction of inter-jurisdictional infrastructures in the PRD, China, to understand the recent restructuring of city-regions. It argues that, against the context of a financial crisis, the construction of these infrastructures becomes the major tool of the governments to govern city-regions. Through these projects, the power of various levels of the governments has been mobilized, and the goal of the governances has been achieved. Accordingly, the intensive competition to control these spaces results in a re-territorization of the administrative structure, and this indicates a possibility of further political-economic transitions in the future.
Keywords:Pearl River Delta  Regional Governance  Inter-jurisdictional Infrastructure  Space  Power
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