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Assembly and architecture of invertebrate cytoplasmic intermediate filaments reconcile features of vertebrate cytoplasmic and nuclear lamin-type intermediate filaments
Authors:N Geisler  J Schünemann  K Weber  M H?ner  U Aebi
Affiliation:Department of Biochemistry, Max-Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry, G?ttingen, D-37018, Germany. ngeisle@gwdg.de
Abstract:The two major intermediate filament (IF) proteins from the esophagus epithelium of the snail Helix pomatia and the two major IF proteins from muscle tissue of the nematode Ascaris suum were investigated under a variety of assembly conditions. The lowest-order complexes from each of the four protostomic invertebrate (p-INV) IF proteins are parallel, unstaggered dimers involving two-stranded alpha-helical coiled coil formation of their approximately 350 amino acid residue central rod domain (i.e. long-rod). In the electron microscope these are readily recognized by their distinct approximately 56 nm long rod with two globular domains (i.e. representing the non-helical carboxy-terminal tail domain of the p-INV IF proteins) attached at one end, closely resembling vertebrate lamin dimers. The next-higher-order oligomers are tetramers, which are easily recognized by their two pairs of globular tail domains attached at either end of a approximately 72 nm long central rod portion. According to their size and shape, these tetramers are built from two dimers associated laterally in an antiparallel, approximately half-staggered fashion via the amino-terminal halves of their rod domains. This is similar to the NN-type tetramers found as the most abundant oligomer species in all types of vertebrate cytoplasmic IF proteins, which contain a approximately 310 amino acid residue central rod domain (i.e. short-rod). As a first step toward filament formation, the p-INV IF tetramers anneal longitudinally into protofilaments by antiparallel CC-type association of the carboxy-terminal halves of their dimer rods. The next step involves radial growth, occurring initially through lateral association of two four-chain protofilaments into octameric subfibrils, which then further associate into mature, full-width filaments. Head-to-tail polymers of dimers and paracrystalline fibers commonly observed with vertebrate lamins were only rarely seen with p-INV IF proteins. The globular domains residing at the carboxy-terminal end of p-INV IF dimers were studding the surface of the filaments at regular, approximately 24.5 nm intervals, thereby giving them a "beaded" appearance with an axial periodicity of about 24.5 nm, which is approximately 3 nm longer than the corresponding approximately 21.5 nm repeat pattern exhibited by short-rod vertebrate IFs.
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