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Vertical MOS-gated pin-diodes: MOS-gated tunneling transistors in Si(100) and Si(111)
Authors:J Schulze   C Fink   T Sulima   I Eisele  W Hansch

aInstitut für Physik, Universität der Bundeswehr München, Werner-Heisenberg-Weg 39, 85577 Neubiberg, Germany

bLehrstuhl Technische Elektronik, Technische Universität München, Theresienstraße 90, 80290 München, Germany

Abstract:Tunneling devices are an interesting alternative to conventional MOS-devices due to their high speed switching capabilities. Recently, it was shown that tunneling transistors based on vertical MOS-gated pin-diodes can be fabricated. The pin-diodes themselves were grown by means of UHV-MBE on highly n+-doped Si(100)-substrates with a 100 nm thick intrinsic channel region. The top contact was formed by the deposition of a highly-doped B δ-layer with a peak doping amount of approximately 1021 cm−3 for the necessary abrupt pn-junction and 300-nm p+-contact region. At a low supply voltage of −0.2 V, a current gain of three orders of magnitude with saturation behavior is achieved [1]. In the present contribution, we have shown the influence of the amount of B in the δ-layer and of the abruptness of the drain-channel-junction on the transistor behavior. For that, we have discussed the characteristics of MOS-gated pin-diodes on Si(111) with ultra-sharp B δ's with a peak doping amount between 1020 and 1021 cm−3 and a peak width <3 nm, in comparison with MOS-gated pin-diodes on Si(100) presented in Hansch et al. [1]. In order to obtain these highly doped ultra-sharp B δ-layers, a phase-transition from an electrically inactive Si(111)- -R30° B surface phase into an electrically active one was induced by rapid thermal annealing.
Keywords:δ-Doping   Pin-diode   Tunneling-FET   Vertical MOSFET   MBE   B surface phase
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