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Tracerexperimente zur Erkundung hydraulisch-hydrogeochemischer Eigenschaften heterogener Grundwasserleiter
Authors:Thomas Ptak
Affiliation:Universit?t Tübingen, Lehrstuhl für Angewandte Geologie, Sigwartstra?e 10, 72076 Tübingen, Telefon: 07071-2976991, Telefax: 07071-5059, E-Mail: thomas.ptak@uni-tuebingen.de, DE
Abstract:In heterogeneous aquifers, predictions of contaminant transport require detailed knowledge of aquifer parameters and their spatial distribution. In most cases this information cannot easily be obtained at acceptable expenses. In general, subsurface investigation techniques are applied only at borehole locations, and the parameter values measured need to be regionalized in order to obtain continuous parameter fields. In such situations particularly forced gradient tracer tests offer the possibility to quickly and efficiently investigate the aquifer between the wells and to characterize the relevant aquifer properties based on effective parameters values. If, in addition, reactive tracers are used in the experiments, it is possible to investigate both the hydraulic and hydrogeochemical aquifer properties. This paper presents some selected tracer testing methods and gives examples of application at field scale.
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